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Clare show October 2013
Krull won 1st place Junior fancy and then best fancy, he is here with both lots from Strath and Clare ribbons.

Banjo won 1st place Junior suri male all other colours
Aishta won 3rd Junior suri female white.
Lorenzo won 2nd Adult white suri male.
Gawain won 2nd Junior suri male white
Tequila Sunrise won 1st Junior suri male white.
Leopards trio won 2nd place suri sires progeny
Nationals Bendigo 2013
Strath show October 2013
Krull won 1st Junior Fancy huacaya, and Best fancy of show.
Marcs sons won 1st in suri sires progeny
Tequila Sunrise won 2nd junior suri white male, and Sir Gawain won 3rd junior suri white male.
Moet won 2nd junior white suri female, Lorenzo won 2nd Adult male white suri, and Gallileo won 1st Adult male roan suri class.
Leopards pair won 3rd in sires progeny suri
Aishta won 1st in junior white suri female, and Banjo won 2nd junior all other colours Male suri.
National show results October 2012
My photo of Tango kissing Taylor won 4th place.
Tahnee won 1st in Adult Female Suri Fancy
Gallileo won 1st in Junior Male Suri Fancy
Slater won 2nd in Adult Male Suri Fancy
Gunner won 2nd in Adult Male Huacaya Fancy
Willow won 3rd in Junior Female Huacaya Fancy.
We had a wonderful time!!
Strathalbyn show results, October 1st 2012
Zahra won 2nd in Adult female suri all other colours, Gunner 2nd in adult fancy, Ramiro 2nd in adult male suri all other colours.
Amaretti won 3rd to Fiorellas 2nd in junior female suri all other colours.
Maroussia won 1st in Intermediate female white suri, and then Reserve champion intermediate suri.
Selenia won 1st in adult female white suri, then reserve champion adult suri. ( My good friend Abi lead her in the ring, as I was already in there with Maroussia.)
Lorenzo won 1st in Junior male white suri, then champion junior suri.
Lorenzo, Amaretti and Fiorella, won sires progeny and then champion, for that class, all of Leopards cria. ( Im on the left, then my good friends John and Jen holding the other 2)
Harley Log, won 1st at the Colour Classics Murray Bridge Aug 2012.
Mt Pleasant show 17th March 2012
Maroussia won 1st place in the junior female white/light fawn suri class.( the black spot on her spine is actually motor grease she some how found in the paddock to rub in, before the show!)
Tanzania (tanzy) won 1st place in the intermediate female suri all other colours class.
then she won Champion intermediate suri!
Gunner won 1st place in the Junior fancy class.
The Nationals 13-16th Oct, Sydney.
My photo of Leopard and Ootz won 1st place in its section, and then won Champion over all! I even got a little trophy! Pic left.
Strathalbyn show Monday 3rd October 2011.
Chimus progeny won 1st
in the sires progeny class, and then supreme also!
The 3 half sisters, Galliano, Zahra, and Selenia.
Leopards cria came 2nd to Chimu's 3, in the sires progeny class.
Sweet spot's Tahnee, Ramiro and Incan Slater.
Selenia wins 2nd in the Junior female suri white/light fawn class.
Ramiro wins 1st place in the Junior Male all other colours Suri Class.
Zahra wins 2nd place in the intermediate female all other colours suri class.
Gunner wins 1st place in the Junior Fancy class.
Sparrow wins 2nd place in the Adult Fancy class.
Previous show results :
My Photo of Leopard Chasing Ootz won 1st in its class, then got Supreme for that class, then Supreme pic of picks, at the Colour Classic, Aug 2011.
Mt Pleasant Show March 10th 2011 
Zahra wins 1st place in Junior female Suri all other colours.
Rocky Road wins 3rd in Junior Male Suri all other colours.
Harley wins 3rd in Senior Male Suri all other colours.
Elektra wins 2nd in Adult Female Grey Huacaya.
Wally and Lolly both won 2nd in the Junior and Intermediate Fancy Class. Lolita amused the crowd by doing her business on the winning walk back to the shed.
Strathalbyn Show October 4th 2010
Elektra wins 1st place in the Senior grey female huacaya class.
Hope gets 2nd in the Senior roan female Huacaya class.
Zazu gets 2nd in the intermediate Suri all other colours class.
Harley gets 2nd in the adult Suri all other colours class.
Lolly wins 2nd in the junior fancy class. ( she was led by my friend Jen as I was already in the ring with Sparrow)
Sparrow wins 2nd in the adult fancy class.


I attended my first alpaca show 20th March 2010, and below are the results!

Pic left, Elektra in the show ring and right with her 1st place ribbon, she won the Adult female grey Huacaya class.

Sparrow with his 1st Place Ribbon, intermediate fancy class.

Tayo with his 2nd place ribbon, in the

intermediate Suri all other colours class,

and Teddy ( Barbosa) with my wonderful friend Sonya in the show ring

and with his 3rd place ribbon in the junior male brown Huacaya class.




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This site was last updated 24-Oct-2013